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Easy Keto Blueberry Pie (Double Crust)

This keto blueberry pie features fresh blueberry filling and a double crust. It’s the perfect fresh berry pie for anyone watching their carbs.

Because this recipe happens to be sugar-free and gluten-free, it’s also keto-friendly yet full of flavor.

Blueberry season means it’s time to create another blueberry recipe for you all to enjoy. And what better way to celebrate blueberries than with an easy low-carb blueberry pie?

Blueberries are a favorite among the ketogenic community mainly because they are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and are lower in carbs than most fruits.

Why not lose weight while doing keto and keep the carb content within your daily macros? 

That’s why a recipe that includes a keto blueberry pie filling makes sense in my book.

I also have a few other blueberry recipes you might want to try:

Don’t forget to also check out my other keto pie recipes that include traditional pies, tarts, and cobblers!

I have updated this keto blueberry pie recipe to give you the absolute best blueberry keto-friendly pie. Specifically, this pie now has a flaky keto crust that will have you thinking you’ve cheated on keto.  

Keto Blueberry Pie

Keto Blueberry Pie
Keto Blueberry Pie

With just a few basic ingredients, you can make a fresh blueberry pie that is low in carbs and has all the qualities of its high-carb counterpart minus all the carbs. 

The good news is that even if berries are not in season, you can make this pie with frozen berries with equal success.

This means you can enjoy this recipe year-round. And that my friend is a significant winner in my book. 

Ingredients Needed When Making A Keto Blueberry Pie Recipe

The following are the ingredients needed to make this sugar-free blueberry pie. Note that the full printable recipe card is at the bottom of the page.

Low Carb Pie Crust

  • Unsalted butter
  • Eggs, room temperature
  • Almond flour, measured and sifted, or Sunflower seed flour for a nut-free option
  • Coconut flour
  • Sea salt
  • Mozzarella cheese (for fathead dough)

Keto Blueberry Pie Filling

How To Make A Low-Carb Blueberry Pie

Keto Blueberry Pie
Keto Blueberry Pie Being Filled

Behind the scenes, I have been working hard to perfect a keto pie crust. Although it had a coconut flour crust option, it wasn’t swoon-worthy.

And I wanted a low-carb pie crust that would fool the taste buds of even a non-keto taster.

Was that too much to ask?

Well, if I am anything, it’s determined. Thankfully, my persistence has paid off.

The updated crust uses both coconut flour and almond flour.

If you want this to be a nut-free option because of a nut allergy, I recommend you use sunflower seed flour instead of almond flour.

So, what has made this a brag-worthy pie crust?

The addition of melted mozzarella cheese. If you are familiar with the very popular fat-head dough, you know that it’s used to mimic the gluten that is missing in non-wheat flour.

It’s a fantastic option, and whoever created fat-head dough should be commended.

In my keto crust, I used melted mozzarella but not cream cheese. I found the dough was more pliable without it.

The pie dough comes together quickly by mixing the dry ingredients and then adding the melted butter that has been cooled.

Then the eggs are added, and the melted mozzarella cheese is. I melted the cheese in the microwave. But you can use a double boiler if you prefer. All the details are on the recipe card.

The dough needs to be kneaded well so that the cheese is well incorporated into the mixture.

I recommend that you either do it by hand for about 5 minutes or use a stand-up mixer with the dough attachment. I personally recommend the stand-up mixer because it makes it so much easier. 

The dough is then divided in half, wrapped in parchment or plastic wrap, and allowed to chill for 30 minutes. A step that is key to its success.

Then, it can be rolled easily between sheets of parchment paper using a rolling pin.

This low-carb blueberry pie comes together rather quickly. The only tricky part is the rolling out of the crust.

It features a cream cheese layer that beautifully pairs with the blueberries.

You can, though, choose to leave out the cream cheese and just double the number of blueberries.

Remember that if you opt to do this, the pie carb count will be higher.

Once the pie is baked and golden brown, you can serve it warm and top it with a scoop of keto vanilla ice cream. Or serve the pie cold.

Store the leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to five days or freeze them for up to three weeks.

Slice of keto blueberry pie with sugar-free vanilla ice cream and berries
Slice of keto blueberry pie with sugar-free low-carb vanilla ice cream and berries

Keto Blueberry Pie Low-Carb Sweetener Options 

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning that at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

As far as sweeteners are concerned, I have several choices you can pick from. The amount of sweetener used is minimal, with only two tablespoons in the filling.

This allows the natural sweetness of the blueberries to be the star, making it a true sugar-free blueberry pie.

My favorite is Lakanto Monk Fruit because the texture is spot on since there is barely any aftertaste. It is a monk fruit and erythritol blend.

You can also use Swerve and an erythritol blend. Or use the stevia and erythritol-based brand Pyure. But if using Pyure, you will want to use only one tablespoon since it’s a much sweeter option.

All three of these choices have erythritol, unlike other sugar alcohols, because it has a 0 % impact on blood sugar.

Lastly, if you can easily find a more natural sugar substitute, you can also use Splenda with great success. 

You will want to use Splenda, which has a bulking agent. It’s the one that comes in larger bags.

I don’t recommend Splenda Bake because it’s a half-sugar, half-sucralose product and will be too high in carbs to be considered keto-friendly.

Keto Blueberry Pie And Fructose

blueberries served in a shallow bowl
blueberries served in a shallow bowl

Although we’ve been taught for years that fruits are healthy, they can prove problematic when doing a low-carb keto diet.

This is because of their tendency to be high in carbs. What’s the solution? Moderation. This is why a keto blueberry pie can fit into your daily macros as long as you plan well for it.

The fruit has been called nature’s candy, and for a good reason, because most fruits are as high in sugar as the candy that comes in a wrapper.

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Here’s the thing: just because fruits contain natural sugar, it doesn’t mean this form of sugar can be consumed liberally.

Unfortunately, most people give fruit high marks because they don’t really understand fructose (the natural sugar in fruits).

But I can give you several reasons why a diet that is high in fructose is not good for you.

In order to keep this post about my recipe for keto blueberry pie, I will resist the urge and only give you my top three reasons why you need to limit fructose in your diet.

  1. Too much fructose in the diet damages the liver and leads to insulin resistance, as well as fatty liver disease.
  2. The fructose sugar found in fruit has a similar effect on the body to that of alcohol. In fact, it has the same toxic effect as alcohol.
  3. Fructose consumption can lead to leptin resistance. Why is it important for leptin to work properly? Because it’s the hormone that controls our appetite and metabolism. And when we become leptin-resistant, we gain fat a lot faster.

And since fruits are made up of fructose, this can spell disaster for someone who needs to limit their dietary sugar.

This is especially the case if you are pre-diabetic, diabetic, insulin resistant, and/or are dealing with metabolic syndrome.

Carb Counting On Keto Fruit Pie

On a ketogenic diet, the goal is to stay below 30 grams of net carbs per day. That’s drastically lower than what most people on a Western diet consume.

In the majority of cases, one piece of fruit alone could take you over the limits of your daily carbohydrate intake. This is especially the case with tropical fruits.

But why is this? The reason is that any form of sugar will spike blood sugar levels, and when this happens, insulin is released.

And do you know what happens when your insulin levels rise? Your body clings tight to fat. If you are trying to lose or maintain weight, it makes sense to keep an eye on your insulin levels.

This is the case even if you are NOT a diabetic.

On a keto diet, your body breaks down fat and uses it for energy. So, the goal is not to block the process of ketosis with an insulin spike.

Thankfully, a slice of my easy keto blueberry pie can keep you safely in the ketosis zone. Of course, this is as long as you resist the urge to have more than one slice.

If we are consuming foods that are high in carbs (including fruit), we drastically reduce our ability to burn fat as fuel.

This is why, when people ask us what types of fruit are permitted on keto, we always steer them in the direction of berries. Of course, even berries should be eaten in moderation.

A dessert-like recipe for keto blueberry pie should be treated as an occasional indulgence. Even though the pie features a keto blueberry filling, it’s still not a reason to go overboard.

Are Berries OK On The Keto Diet?

Keto Blueberry Pie featured image
Low-Carb Blueberry Pie

When it comes to a ketogenic lifestyle, fruit choices are pretty limited. The natural sugar in fruits tends to also make them high in carbs.

And when you have foods that are too high in carbohydrates, you can be kicked out of ketosis. 

If the goal is to be in ketosis, then being kicked out of ketosis is no Bueno on keto. But this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a blueberry pie as long as it’s a low-carb blueberry pie.

Wondering if a keto fruit pie can safely fit into a low-carb keto diet? Well, let me show you that it can as long as you choose your fruits wisely.

Berries are part of the limited list of keto-allowed fruits since they are among the lowest in sugar. And because blueberries are rich antioxidant gems, we personally give the nod in their direction.

Something else to take into consideration is to aim to have your berries when they are in season. This way you, maximize their nutritional value.

During the summer, I make it a point to enjoy fresh blueberries. Since I treat them as something to have occasionally, when I do indulge, I enjoy them even further by creating a keto blueberry recipe.

With that being said, you can also use frozen blueberries and gain lots of benefits in this pie. Can you see why a keto blueberry pie then becomes a real treat? I may make this pie maybe twice during the summer.

I say all this to say that although I’m a fan of blueberries, I advocate you don’t go overboard with them or any fruit for that matter.  You can enjoy a recipe like this by simply planning for it.

What Are Net Carbs Anyway?

If you are going to indulge in a few extra carbs, blueberries are worth the splurge because they carry so many health benefits.

How exactly can you plan a keto blueberry pie? Well, if you keep an eye on your carbs for the day and do not go over 25-30 grams of net carbs,

When you subtract the fiber from the total amount of carbs, what remains are your net carbs.

Most people who do keto do not count the dietary fiber because it does not impact blood glucose levels.

It’s considered non-digestible, so it won’t raise your sugar levels or kick you out of ketosis.

Blueberry Benefits

  • They are high in fiber, potassium, vitamins C, folate, vitamin B6
  • Blueberries contain a plant compound called anthocyanin a flavonoid. Anthocyanin is what gives blueberries their bright blue color making them rich in antioxidants.
  • Blueberries are also rich in iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K. All of these strengthen our bones.

Tag Us

I sure hope you will give this double-crust keto blueberry pie and meet your weight loss goals in the process.

Once you do, make sure you remember to tag us on Instagram and Facebook. It’s what encourages this girl to keep sharing and perfecting her recipes.

Grab Our Books!

In case you don’t know, I have authored two books for you, Essential Keto Bread and Essential Keto Desserts, both inspired by your requests over the years.

I pray these keto cookbooks will help make keto a delicious breeze for you.

Join Our Jesus And Keto Movement 

Looking for an online support system to help you stay the course on keto? As a family, we came to the keto diet, looking at it from a Christian perspective. As believers, we live our lives supported by God’s grace.

So when the Holy Spirit led us to combine our Christian faith and the keto diet, we did so in hopes of finding lasting transformation. Following the Holy Spirit’s prompting, we got on the path to fundamental transformation. 

Knowing firsthand the benefits of this decision, we have created a closed Christian group that is using the keto diet to transform their lives. 

We invite you to join our Private Facebook Group and see if it’s not the key you have been missing.

Be sure to request our FREE Jesus and Keto E-Book (First 7 Days). We hope it blesses you.

Fittoservegroup Keto App

Fit To Serve Group App

Looking for a fast way to access our keto recipes? We’ve got you covered. There’s an app for that. Yup, there’s a Fit To Serve Group App that will make your keto diet a delicious breeze!

Access hundreds of recipes that are all sugar-free, gluten-free, and keto-friendly.

Enjoy early access to recipes before they go live on the website. Plus, bonus recipes that are exclusive to the app. Make your own personal cookbooks that you can use to organize your favorite recipes.

Search recipes by title, ingredients, keywords, and categories, and of course, every recipe shows complete nutritional facts.  Get the Fit to Serve Group App for easy-to-follow keto recipes made with easy-to-source ingredients. 

The app is loaded with hundreds of yummy recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and even desserts!

Learn more by visiting our Fit To Serve Group App Page.

Slice of keto blueberry pie with sugar-free vanilla ice cream and berries

Easy Keto Blueberry Pie (Double Crust)

Yield: 10
Prep Time: 35 minutes
Cook Time: 25 minutes
Additional Baking Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes

A deliciously easy recipe for Keto Blueberry Pie, that features fresh blueberries and a double flaky crust for one delicious low carb dessert!


Keto Pie Crust

  • 1 cup of unsalted butter melted and cooled
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup of measured and sifted almond flour or 1 cup of sunflower seed for a nut free option
  •  ½ cup coconut flour
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 cups of mozzarella cheese that has been melted in the microwave or in double boiler. Note that you want to melt right before it's called for in the recipe so that it it mixes well into the pie dough.

Keto Blueberry Pie Filling Ingredients

  • 1 ½ cups of fresh blueberries or frozen
  • 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4  cup of sugar substitute
  • 1 8 ounce package of room temperature neufchâtel cream cheese or regular cream cheese


Pie Filling

1. In a small bowl, combine the fresh or frozen blueberries, lemon juice, and granulated sugar substitute.

2. For the cream cheese layer, ensure it is at room temperature to spread easily. You can soften it in the microwave by removing the wrapper and using 30-second intervals until it is soft to the touch.

Crust Instructions

    1. In a medium-sized bowl combine the coconut flour and the almond flour and salt. Note if making the nut-free option use sunflower seed flour in place of the almond flour and set aside.
    2. Melt the unsalted butter and set aside
    3. To the dry ingredients, add the melted butter and combine quickly.
    4. Next, add the two whole eggs and combine.
    5. Melt the mozzarella cheese in the microwave for a total of 90 seconds, stirring halfway through. Once it comes out of the microwave, mix well until fully incorporated. You can also melt the mozzarella cheese in a double boiler.
    6. Add the melted mozzarella cheese to the mixture and knead the dough with your hands until all the cheese is blended well into the pie dough. I recommend you do so between two sheets of parchment paper so that the dough doesn't stick to your hands. Alternatively, you can use a stand-up mixer with a dough hook
    7. Once the dough forms, divide it in half to make the top and bottom of the pie crust.
    8. Place the pastry dough in the refrigerator to rest the dough and allow the dough to chill. This will make it easier to work with and will produce the flakiest crust.
    9. Roll out the chilled dough between two sheets of parchment paper for both the top and bottom of the crust and place back into the refrigerator for another 15 minutes to cool again and make it easier to roll the dough.
    10. Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
    11. Transfer one of the rolled crusts into a 9-inch pie pan. Be careful to smooth any cracks.
    12. If a crack happens simply smooth it with a wet finger.

Pie Assembly Instructions

  1. After transferring the bottom crust to the pie pan, you can add the filling.
  2. Spread the cream cheese layer to the bottom of the crust, being gentle so as not to tear the bottom crust. It is key that the cream cheese is not cold; otherwise, it will not spread.
  3. Next, add the blueberry filling.
  4. Once you add the filling to the pie and the top crust
  5. Add 5 or 6 slits to the top of the pie to let the steam vent.
  6. Bake the pie for 25-20 minutes or until the topping is lightly brown.
  7. Allow the pie to fully cool before slicing.
  8. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.


Substitute the almond flour with 1 cup of sunflower seed flour for a nut-free option

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 10 Serving Size: 1
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 365Total Fat: 38gSaturated Fat: 15gCholesterol: 100mgSodium: 195mgCarbohydrates: 4.9gNet Carbohydrates: 2.9gFiber: 2gSugar: 3.1gProtein: 6.9g

Did you make this recipe?

Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram


Nancy Reiter

Saturday 24th of August 2024

Have you tried this crust as a baked bottom crust for a no-bake filling?

Hilda Solares

Monday 26th of August 2024

Hi Nancy, Yes it works well for this.


Monday 6th of February 2023

I made this pie soo very good. loved the texture and taste of the crust. It is beautiful to look at.. thanks

Hilda Solares

Monday 6th of February 2023

So happy to hear Vila!


Tuesday 16th of August 2022

Baking this pie now. Added some cinnamon and 3 tablespoons of chia seeds to the blueberry mix so it's not too runny. But I also doubled (3 cups) of blueberry since 1.5c didn't seem like a enough for my dish. Wish me luck.

Hilda Solares

Friday 19th of August 2022

Hope you enjoyed the blueberry pie recipe!

Mary Ellen

Friday 29th of October 2021

Is this full fat mozzarella cheese in the crust?

If I wanted to use potato starch as a thickening agent for the pie filling, how much should I add?

Hilda Solares

Saturday 30th of October 2021

Mary, both full fat and part-skim work with the crust. You won't need the thickening agent but if you want to keep it keto 1/4 teaspoon of xanthan gum is best.


Monday 11th of October 2021

Because I'm sensitive to casein so I cannt use mozzarella. I tried a firm goats and sheeps cheese (like a hard cheddar cheese texture and taste)from Aldi and added some sweetner to help disguise any cheesy taste. It worked!I didnt need to replace the dough back in the fridge after rolling either! The texture was perfect. I also replaced some of the almond flour with about 2 tbspns lupin flour (for extra fibre and lower carbs). Thankyou for a great recipe.

Hilda Solares

Tuesday 12th of October 2021

That's great to hear Jenny! Thanks for sharing.

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